Strawberry Chat
Error Codes
Error code documentation for Strawberry Chat
(C) = Client only error
(S) = Server only error
= Connection error, client cannot connect correctly to the server (C)002
= Login Error, something gone wrong while logging in003
= Communication error, server could not send a message to client (S)004
= Client-side error, server could not handle the request that the client send (C)005
= Socket-to-Client error, Server and Client couldnt communicate correctly (Occurs often when trying to delete the user out of the online users) (C/S)021
= Registration Error, something gone wrong while registrating a user096
= SQL Error (S)100
= General error122
= BrokenPipe error, you may need to restart your server. Syncronization between server and client got interrupted242
= message transmission error999
= Banned from the server (C)